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v a n a . i e r o

 I n t e r i o r  A r c h i t e c t u r e 

Anchor 2

What is   I n t e r i o r  A r c h i t e c t u r e ?

Interior Architecture is experienced as you move through a space, in a given amount of time, dealing with how light is being used as a building material, processing it through overlapping perspectives and sections in the design process.


The term 'Interior Architecture', emerged in the late 90`s, early 2000`s and in the last few years its significance is internationally appreciated.

Materials, fixed & loose furniture and artificial lighting are classified in the 'Interior Design' field and are of later consideration.



Interior architecture can be considered useful;

  • for a design of an interior space using all of its physical potential, to accommodate an altered purpose of the building`s use

  • for a design of an interior space in respect with its built environment,  collaborating with architects from the very beginning

An altered building may therefore look the same on the exterior, but its interior is Spatially Adapted to its physical, social, political & cultural context, thanks to Interior Architecture.


M e e t


As a designer, I am constantly seeking for new concepts and ideas to convert my imagination into reality.

Currently, I am a Jr. Interior Architect and in my free time I am constantly researching on Natural phenomena and processes that boost my imagination, bringing to life new design concepts and ideas


.my current inspiration are scientists and architects who experiment on new ways in which Nature can be integrated in today`s world of assembly.


P r o j e c t s



k i n i s i .

academic project



Engage the client with the process that a green bean undergoes in order to become a cup of coffee.


This is done by using the existing as a space to integrate a series of spaces which potentially form a 'journey through a roasting machine'.


Chemical formula of Caffeine is being analysed and used as an organising tool to define the large space as a hierarchial division of smaller spaces.

P 01

P 01

p r e s e r v e .

academic project



Taking a look back to the older lifestyles, needs, traditions and availability of building materials helps us recognise the value of historic buildings, including the vernacular architecture, and the importance in preserving them.


However, the importance in appreciating the environment that that building is found in is essential.


In a similar way, the sun, the wind, and the landscape as well as the historic character of The Gig House, led me to a series of architectural form experimentation that may led to the adaptation of it to its surroundings.


P 02

P 02
Furniture Design


the Pointer.

personal project



The pointer is bespokely designed for a seaside cottage in Meneu, Larnaca, Cyprus.


Its location in the cottage belongs on the external patio where it is meant to point to the mediterranean sea.


The unstable part of the furniture is derived from a part of the architectural plan of the cottage itself, and a base is being constructed to stabilise it.


What is interesting about the pointer is that its Section informs its Plan, meaning that when you experience watching the pointer from a distant view (section), it notifies of how it is to experience it as an object to sit on (plan).


P 01

P 02


Chaise Longue

Formica® Laminate

student competition


won Third Place



A piece of furniture powered by the concept of the interconnection between two entangled particles, determining the connection between two trigonometric volumes and two complementary Formica®Laminate colours, aiming to unite people.




Interior Design

Interior Design

k i t c h e n

r e n o v a t i o n .

under construction

work experience project

Maria Neophytou Interiors

P 01


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''If you are not having fun, you are not learning. There is a pleasure in finding things out.''

Richard Feyman

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